Sub Information

Our Class Culture:

         The culture of this class is defined using 5 simple words:
*Respect             *Quality
*Unity                 *Responsibility

Electronics & Food:
Due to student allergies, please avoid products with peanuts.

Hall Passes:

There are no hall passes for our class.   If a student needs to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water simply let him/her go. If a student needs to visit the nurse or office you must write a pass.  Include date, time and your signature.

Building Relationships Comes First:
  • As students enter greet them at the door
  • Play a Get To Know You Game...
    • Two Truths & A Lie:
      • You might consider getting to know students by playing this game with them at the start of class.  Simply use the whiteboard to list 2 truths about yourself and 1 lie.  Then let the students guess which one is your lie.
  • Or any other fun, short game that lets you connect with the students
  • Use my printed roster 
  • Pay attention to any additional notes on the student roster
    • Found in my Sub Hub/Sub Stache Box
  • Record accurate absences/tardies in Power School as well as on the roster. 

Lesson Plans (on Home Page):
  1. Project the website
  2. Walk thru the lesson with students before letting them work on their own
  3.  Students are to complete the day’s assignment in their learning groups.  Students are encouraged to work together quietly in order to support one another with learning. 

Lesson Wrap-up:  

When there is 10 minutes left of class announce that they have 5 minutes left to complete work before you collect it.  All work must be collected or found in their Google Drives regardless if the students are finished or not.  Please let them know extra time will be determined by Mrs. Stephens upon my return.

  1. Consistently be engaged in student learning by walking around the room.
  2. When seated try not to sit the entire time.  There is a stool, a director’s chair or student chairs you may use to place yourself near the students. 
  3. ALWAYS read aloud directions.  You may read them or have a student volunteer to read them aloud.
  4.  Even though you may not know Spanish here are some helpful hints for you to direct students for answers:
    1. “Let’s look up that meaning together in the back of the book.”
    2. “Can you show me the last page of the chapter that the vocabulary is on OR your Google doc with the vocabulary?  I think we can find some answers there.”
  5. Model the behaviors you expect from students.  When re-directing students be respectful and avoid sarcasm.
  6. Utilize the class timer on the bottom of the class website home page to pace students thru assignments

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